Want to Grow Your Money Tax-Free And
Turn It Into More Assets?
Take this quick quiz to get a custom plan made just for building
your Black wealth!
Do you feel good about your current financial strategies taking care of you now and later?
Yes, I feel good about my plan.
No, I am not sure if my plan is good enough.
What worries you the most about your financial situation?
My bills are too high.
I don’t have enough saved for rainy days.
I’m worried about future healthcare costs.
I’m not saving enough for retirement.
How long could you keep living the way you do if your income stopped?
More than 6 months
4-6 months
1-3 months
Less than 1 month
How ready are you to handle a big surprise expense, like a medical emergency, car breaking down, home repairs or a stock market crash?
Very ready
Somewhat ready
Not really ready
Not ready at all
Are you worried about the impact that higher taxes and higher prices have on your money, and looking for ways to lower your tax burden now and in the future?
Yes, I am worried need help keeping my money safe from taxes
Somewhat, but I have a plan.
No, I feel my plan is good with taxes
How do you feel about taking risks with your money?
I like to play it safe – low or no risk for me!
I’m a bit cautious – I’ll take a small risk, but not too much.
I’m good with a mix – some safe, some with a little risk.
I’m open to bigger risks if it means bigger rewards!
Are you ready to stick to a long-term plan for your money?
Yes, I’m all in for the long haul!
No, I need more time or I’m still living paycheck to paycheck.
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